very good
rare i find a game i actually fully complete. short and sweet. nice game play concept too (though the bouncing off the walls was annoying)
good job
very good
rare i find a game i actually fully complete. short and sweet. nice game play concept too (though the bouncing off the walls was annoying)
good job
fun buuutttt
i think the fast forward was a poor design choice. i found my self pressing it alllllll the time. made the game one big hectic cluster fuck.
my other gripe is the microtransactions, I've always associated newgrounds with free media and even though its optional, i still hope its not a sign of things to come.
i loved the style. Just all around top notch game.
the only thing i think i would have liked to have seen was more physics in the sperm. for example when you slow/stop the sperm i think it should fall to the ground just like a plane. Thats really just my opinion, the rest of the game seems so physics oriented yet the sperm moved kinda floaty.
That also prevents it from turning into a stationary game. I managed to go most of a level just staying still and deflecting. Of course i then stopped doing that cause it was no fun.
Great job overall.
balls out
really fun. but..
waaayyy to easy. i beat most missions off one stone/bomb. I only started feeling challenged on the last 5 or so missions.
really fun. but needs to be more difficult.
i'm amazed. I haven't fully gotten through a newgrounds game in a while.
You should make an XBLA sequel. I'm dead serious, spew with the right thumb. move with left. eat with Rt. I'd buy it
It was allrigghhhttt.
some of the ideas just seemed like flat out cop outs. The wall just.. falls on him?
ugh. many were fairly predictable aswell
I don't know why this got Fp.
sorry. keep practicing
It was supposed to be unexpected, not a cop-out. I'll admit a few of the choices were predictable.
Alright.. i kinda dont get it
i kinda dont get it here. what the hell do you do? i just kinda went through days and eventually i had all the things checked off. and everyone was dead expect one country cause they closed their borders 'n airports.
can someone please tell me the strategy in this game? im not saying its a bad game. i just kinda dont get it.
I dont understand because i just rapidly clicked through the days and pretty much won........ so... ?
that was fun
its been a while since ive played through a whole newgrounds game.
good concept. solid gameplay.
Age 35, Male
Ryerson University
Joined on 3/1/05